Maybe I'll use something from my vacation, like this photo I took. If you're just starting your vacation, remember to bring along your favorite art supplies. And don't forget the camera. Mine was the perfect tool for saving memories and capturing images.
So grab your boat and join us at the beach. The challenge is open to all Blogging Business Artisans team members. Here's some things you might want to keep in mind:
1) There will be 12 monthly challenges with a given theme. As part of the BBA, you are to participate in at least six (6) challenges in the duration of the year and blog about your entry.
2) One blog post must be submitted to the Team Blog linky about your Challenge between the 26th and the end of the month.
3) No late submissions will be acceptable.
4) Feel free to put any project you create in your shop, and talk about the Challenge in your description!

Today's guest blogger is Deb, aka storybeader. You can find her shop at The Storybeader's Bookshelf, where she sells handmade journals for drawing and art journaling, paper beads and mixed media flat art. Follow her blog over at Stroll Through Storyland
This will be fun! I'll enjoy seeing how everyone interprets this theme.
Been needing an excuse to do something about the sea. I love the cool colors that can be used!
Hmmm. Need to put my thinking cap on for this one! Sounds like fun though!
Sea colors are so inspiring! Now I just have to decide what to do with them!
Great photo Deb :)
I love this idea! I hope to jump right in with this challenge being my first to participate in. I'm thinking some kind of fish plushie, ornament, or be coming soon!
Thanks for the great write up about this challenge theme, Deb! As always, I look forward to seeing the entries.
Thanks for the write up. It will be fun to see the different entries. Of course, I need to figure out what I will do.
Putting on my thinking cap for this one! It will be fun to see the entries!
I love the sea, so this will be so much fun to play with! Thanks for the challenge, erika! {:-D
I am so happy that my studio will be ready! This theme is right up my interest alley - so will be lots of fun.
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