Monday, February 20, 2017

This Week's Featured Blog Posts from Blogging Business Artisans Members

This past week, Blogging Business Artisans members blogged about creating confetti hearts, using hearts in mixed media to “spread the love,” how to choose a contractor for home projects, all you wanted to know about amethyst, why to rent your home, assembling a custom photo album, a cat’s perspective about the weather and Valentine’s Day, the concept of self-acceptance, and a downloadable painting in exchange for a charitable donation. Sharing is obviously this week’s theme, in many ways!

Duni of Duni’s Studio “spreads the love” and meets Blogging Business Artisans’ February challenge at the same time in 5 Minute DIY {Confetti Hearts}.

Sarah L. of A Cat-Like Curiosity is adding hearts to everything this year, as her word for the year is “love.” Check out her post, Morning Pages: Hearts Fly Away, to read all about her effort.

Paige of The Room Kit provides some important tips for How to Choose a Contractor (or Other Home Pro) in her most recent post, whether you’re dealing with a flooring, plumbing or some other kind of home project or issue.

In Amethyst is February’s Birthstone, Linda B. of Linor Store Jewelry explains the origin of the term amethyst, describes where it can be found, and what properties—healing and otherwise—are associated with the gemstone.

Rose of randomcreative shares, from personal experience, 6 Reasons to Rent Out Instead of Sell Your Home, as well as some home maintenance issues that are typical when you become a landlord.

Judy of Mister PenQuin describes both her assembly process and the tools she uses in Assembling a custom photo album for 2x3 mini photos.

Sharla of Beaded Tail’s cat, Angel, reports on the weather (rainy), Valentine’s Day dinner and being “under the weather” in Almost Friday, Finally!

After attending a photography conference last year, Natasha of MermaidsWhispers was inspired to promote the concept of self-acceptance in the face of outside criticism. In Wellbeing Wednesday—Stay Wild, you can download her “Stay Wild” printable that is tied to this concept.

Renée of Nouveau Niche offers a free download of her Valentine’s Day tribute painting to anyone who sponsors for at least $10 her campaign for the African Wildlife Foundation. Visit her post, 5 Ways Lovebirds Are Not Just for Valentine’s Day to learn more.

If you enjoyed these posts, be sure to return to Blogging Business Artisans next week for another round of posts!

© 2017 Blogging Business Artisans (text only). All rights reserved. The images in these posts belong to the writers of the referenced posts, or were used with permission by these writers. They may not be reproduced without permission under any circumstances. 


BeadedTail said...

I've checked out some of these posts but need to check out the others. Love the diversity! Thank you for including us!

Natashalh said...

Sarah's "morning pages" are always so much fun! And I love how bright Renee's birds are. I need to check out her post!