Monday, May 16, 2016

This Week's Blogging Business Artisan's Member Blog Posts

Blogging Business Artisans team members have a variety of posts this week, as always. Some are serious, like Cynthia's post to raise suicide awareness, others are beautiful, and still others are informative. And, of course, there are cute kitties, too!

Margaret of Splendid Little Stars attended a special butterfly exhibit! Stop by Butterflies for lovely photos. 

Renée of Nouveau Niche has a lovely painting with a story to share in Kentucky Warblers. You'll have to stop by her blog to see it. =)

Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers has an important message in this week's post A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem.

Sarah L. of A Cat-Like Curiosity has freebies to share! Stop by for WordPress and Woo Commerce freebies and guides.

Paige of The Room Kit always has great house photos to share! This week she posted House Tour: The Dogtrot. Not sure what a "dogtrot" is? Stop by to find out!

Need some Summer Sewing InspirationDuni shows off many cute fabric choices and sewing projects in her post!

Sharla of Beaded Tail's kitties were happy when it was Finally Friday!

Linda B. of Linor Store is spreading the word that June 5 is the Jewish Festival. The event will have food, fun, and, of course, Linda's handmade items!

Need to get your shopping list organized? Natasha of Stalking the Wild Snark shows how create a DIY Shopping List Chalkboard!

If you enjoyed these posts, be sure to return to Blogging Business Artisans next week for another round of posts!

© 2016 Blogging Business Artisans (text only). All rights reserved. The images in these posts belong to the writers of the referenced posts, or were used with permission by these writers. They may not be reproduced without permission under any circumstances. 

1 comment:

BeadedTail said...

This week is certainly a variety. Cynthia's post is very important and well said. Thank you for including our post too!