Monday, February 29, 2016

This Week's Blogging Business Artisans Member Blog Posts

Blogging Business Artisans have been traveling! This week's posts include a trip for a blog conference, an escape from New England cold, a glimpse of a green spring in Florida, and so much more!

Jenny of The Painted Menagerie has a New Website! Stop by to see her clean new design and read why she made the switch.

Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers escapes the New England cold and caught a bit of Sunshine in Winter.

Renée of Nouveau Niche shares a magical-looking local spot in Wanderlust of Wonderlust

Still struggling with social media? Duni of Peridot by Duni writes about How Instagram has helped me grow my business. Stop by to see how she does it!

Need a new bag? Judy of Mister PenQuin shares a local quilt shop's Purse Party 2016 with a wide variety of fun purse patterns and helpful purse sewing tips!

Sarah L. of A Cat-Like Curiosity shares plans and gets personal in self care and feeling like me.

Edi of Memories for Life tells about a new pair of cute earrings and relates a funny story in Dandelion Earrings.

Paige of The Room Kit went to her first ever blog conference! Read about it and see her awesomely-decorated hotel room at Build your Blog Conference

Linda B. of Linor Store Jewelry has plans for a Jewelry Trunk Show held online. Stop by to vote on how she should do it!

Sharla of Beaded Tail's girls got a bit of spoiling from their dad! Stop by Fun Friday for cute antics.

Have a sweet tooth to satisfy? Natasha of Stalking the Wild Snark demonstrates how to create mint tea homemade marshmallows.

If you enjoyed these posts, be sure to return to Blogging Business Artisans next week for another round of posts!

© 2016 Blogging Business Artisans (text only). All rights reserved. The images in these posts belong to the writers of the referenced posts, or were used with permission by these writers. They may not be reproduced without permission under any circumstances. 


pasqueflower said...

Hello to all.

AntiquityTravelers said...

Hey LeAnn! Great round up Judy - lots of great posts to go read