Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Review Your Etsy Shop Link Party

The Monthly Challenge for December was Review Your Etsy Shop by Deb of storybeader. Her words about this challenge were as follows: "The December Challenge is all about looking back over the year and reviewing your Etsy Shop.  Can you thing of one thing to do that will help improve your shop? There's a whole list of things available to do:  re-shooting photographs or coupons, having a sale, removing/adding products, changing sections/shipping requirements, or merging two shops. Write a post and share with your teammates what might help you!  And if you see results, tell us!"


storybeader said...

hope everyone enjoyed the challenge and we can all learn something from it! {:-D

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Thanks, Deb, for this challenge. We all need to re-evaluate ocassionally

pasqueflower said...

This was a super-challenging challenge, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Best wishes to you all in 2013.