The monthly challenge for September was Back to Childhood by Athena of LalalitaBodyCo. This is what she had to say about the theme: "September is traditionally back to school time. Remember the craft
projects from your childhood, like macaroni noodle art, or tracing your
hand to make paper turkeys, or getting your hands all ooey-gooey with
finger paint? This month, challenge yourself to "elevate" a kind of art or craft from
your childhood into "high art". It doesn't have to be something for your
Etsy shop; this is all just for fun."
September is traditionally back to school time. Remember the craft
projects from your childhood, like macaroni noodle art, or tracing your
hand to make paper turkeys, or getting your hands all ooey-gooey with
finger paint? This month, challenge yourself to "elevate" a kind of art or craft from
your childhood into "high art".